hells-labrinth | Date: Sunday, 2009-05-03, 2:46 AM | Message # 1 |
Group: Administrators
Messages: 20
Status: Offline
| Code RegisterUnitEvent(12345, 1, "test_oncombat")
function test_oncombat(pUnit, event) pUnit:SendChatMessage(14,0, "I will Eat your Soul!") pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_fireball", 20000, 20) pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_Heal1", 120000, 10) pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_second", 1000,0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_math", 15000, 0) phase== 1; end
function test_fireball(pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(42833, pUnit:GetRandomTarget(0)) StopMovement(2600) end
function test_Heal1 pUnit:FullCastSpell(48782) StopMovement(2600) end
function test_mat(pUnit, event) local choice == math.random(1, 3) if choice == 1 then pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "I have Randomly Picked a Number between 1 and 3! beware you mana,rage, or energy usrs!") pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(8129, pUnit, GetRandomTarget(4)) StopMovement(3100) elseif choice == 2 then pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "I have Randomly Picked a Number between 1 and 3! beware you mana,rage, or energy usrs!") pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(42435, pUnit:GetRandomTarget(5)) elseif choice == 3 then pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "I have Randomly Picked a Number between 1 and 3! beware you mana,rage, or energy usrs!") pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(42435, pUnit:GetRandomTarget(6)) end
function test_second(pUnit, event) if pUnit:GetHealthPct() <= 80 and phase == 1 then RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "I want to eat your soul!!! GIVE ME YOUR SOUL!!!" pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_Frostbolt", 50000, 10) pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_Chaosbolt", 60000, 10) pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_table", 10000, 0) pUnit:registerEvent("test_thrid", 1000, 0) phase=2 end end function test_Frostbolt(pUnit, event) local mt = pUnit:GetMainTank() if (mt ~= nil) then pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(42842, mt) StopMovement(3100) end end
function test_Chaosbolt(pUnit, event) local midrange = pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(2)) if (midrange ~=nil) then pUnit:FullCastSpellOnTarget(59172, midrange) end end
function test_table(pUnit, event) local tbl=pUnit: if v:GetDistance(pUnit) <= 10, 20 then for k, v in pairs(tbl) do pUnit:CastSpellOnTarget(49233, v) end end function test_third(pUnit, event)
if pUnit:GetHealthPct() <= 45 and phase == 2 then RemoveEvents() pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Come out and Play Minions!" pUnit:RegisterEvent("summon", 500, 1) pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_fourth", 1000, 0) phase=3 end end function summon (pUnit, event) local x = pUnit:GetX() local y = pUnit:GetY() local z = pUnit:GetZ() local o = pUnit:GetO() pUnit:SpawnCreature(12435, x+5, y, z, 0) pUnit:SpawnCreature(12435, x, y+5, z, 0) pUnit:SpawnCreature(12435, x-5, y, z, 0) pUnit:SpawnCreature(12435, x, y-5, z, 0) end end if pUnit:GetHealthPct() <= 25 and Phase == 3 then RemoveEvents() pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_fifth", 1000, 0) pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_Soulsteal", 50000, 1) pUnit:SendChatMessage(14,0, "UGGG! you are making me angry!, Time for me to eat your soul!") phase=4 end end function test_Soulsteal(pUnit, event) pUnit: SenChatMessage(14, 0, "Time to be deprived of the weight of your soul!" pUnit: CastSpellOnTarget (41080, pUnit:GetRandomPlayer(2) end end if pUnit:GetHealthPct() <= 10 and Phase == 4 then RemoveEvents() pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_Healself", 50000, 10) pUnit:RegisterEvent("test_Aura", 1000, 1) end end
function test_Healself(pUnit, event) pUnit:SendChatMessage(14, 0, "Omfg... you actually got me to 10% health!! i need health!!" pUnit:FullCastSpell(48782) StopMovement(3100) end end
function test_aura(pUnit, event) pUnit:FullCastSpell(48266) end end
function test_leavecombat(pUnit, event) RemoveEvents() end
function test_died(pUnit, event) RemoveEvents() end
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