1. What is your real name? Michael
2. How old are you?
3. Which time zone are you in? ( Ex., EST / PST )
4. How many hours a day you can play?
As long as I need too
5. How many hours a week (aprox.) you can contribute to GM duty ?
25-40 depends on what im doing
6. Have you ever been a GM on any other Private servers?
Yes, I have 3yrs of gm experiance i have been gm on ArcEmu, Ascent, MaNGos cores
7. If Yes , What is the name of the server?[Echeloned WoW Doesnt Count!] (leave blank if you answered NO to question 6.)
Darkest of the Realms, Legendary wow, Wowgasm, WowBeez, IntergralWow , Wowge, some others that i can't remember
8. Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands?
i know every single command there is almost
9. Do you have a problem with authority?
No, I think authority is good I have nothing against it.
10. What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to our server?
Help Whenever needed, good Ticket Support, Can solve problems between 2 chars, Can LuA script
12. What is the most important duty of a GM?
Help Characters, Make the server safe and enjoyable, stop hackers/bug abusers, Make the server the best it can be, make the server more fun
13 . What is your character name on our server?
Don’t have one because I can’t get on the server
14. Do you have any experience with ArcEmu Emulator?
Yes, Also ManGOs , Ascent ,Antrix
15. Do you have experience as a gm on ArcEmu server?
Yes, I have been a GM on several, Owner of Two, Gm/Co-owner of 3, they stayed up for about a year because there wasn't anything new for 1 month...
16. What qualities makes you think you are qualified to be a gm on resident affliction
I’m Trustworthy, Doesn’t have a Temper (unless you give me reason to have one), hears both sides of the story, I’d make a good friend but a Horrible Enemy.
17. Imagine, you see a hacker, you got his name but not his IP or account name, whats your next move?
(This is meant to be what you would do as a NORMAL player, meaning NO commands)
If I have screenshots, I would post them up on the forums. If I was making a video of something to create some sort of recruitment video, I'd say screw the video and start filming the hacker, then post it on the forums, If not, I would still post the hacker's name, guild, location of incident and infraction. Also I would submit a GM ticket in game in hopes that there would be a staff member on hand to investigate in the matter.
Bonus Questions:
1. If you saw a Gamemaster breaking a rule, what would you do?(as a normal player)
I'd probably send a message to an Administrator about it, and try to get screenshots while I could.
2. How often would you do tickets? (Approximate Time)
3. Would you search for bugs on the server, or wait for others to report them?(as a gm)
I would look for them and if I find none wait for someone to post it on the forums and see if I can take care of it.
4. What's Respect?
Respect is ones trust to another, as in this situation....
Bob Respects Joe because he has been such a success in life. That respect could be lost if Bob would go to Joe and say, you are a failure I no longer will help you in any situation.